You can choose from 21 colors of bottle, cap and top. Try it and built your own set!
From the very beginning of our business activity, in 2007, we specialize in high quality sports accessories, which can promote your brand.
In the course of time our offer was extended for shakers of all european leading manufacturers - imported and printed in Poland. After years of experience we have decided to produce our own one.
Shaker should be 100% leakproof, ergonomic (not to small not to big, 600ml is ok) and made from certificated raw materials.
Even bettmer when the range of colours is wide, MQO is very low and the printing area is really huge for example 85x85mm on each side of the bottle.
Fitshaker fits your needs!
We only sell our shakers in multiples of 48 pieces. The higher the range, the better the price per item. On Fitshaker, the price is calculated in the following ranges: 48-95, 96-191, 192-287, 288-527, 528-1007, 1008-2015, 2016-3023, above 3024.